Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I done got a tattoo!

As the title already told you I got a tattoo! I got it back in December 2014 while I was in Hawaii with my family over Christmas. It was a Christmas/Birthday present from my parents and it was a pretty awesome experience. The guys working in the tattoo parlor were great, and I even got to talking about music with the guy doing my tattoo. Ok enough about the very short story, now on to what it is.

DesignThe design itself is from the album art of a band called Demon Hunter, specifically from their album True Defiance. It is a cross with a sash, as well at a T and D standing for True Defiance. I decided to go with the jagged look because... well because it looked cool.

What it means: For me it means a couple different things, but I am just going to focus on the main one. The main reason I got this particular tattoo is to help remind me to be defiant of the world. As a Christian I am called to be different, I am called to be defiant to the things of the world. To thrown some "Christianese" in there, I am called to be "In the world, but not of it.". The main Bible verse that this theme is derived from is Romans 12:2a  "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.". There are a few more personal reasons, maybe I will dive into those at some later time, but that was the main reason.

Placement: "Why not get it on your shoulder, where you could cover it up better?" - My Mom. 

The reason I got it on my forearm is because I don't want to cover it up, I want to boldly show it. It is constantly in my line of sight so that I am constantly reminded that I am to stand up for what I believe and what God expects of me, and not cave in to what the world wants and expects from me.

So yeah, thats it. I have a tattoo that I absolutely love. Have I gotten some flack for it, yes. Do I care... I probably should care a little more than I do but oh well. Big shout out to my parents for the awesome experience. And yes, at some point I do plan on getting more (I am actually working on designing two right now, but who knows when I would be able to get the larger one, but the smaller one should be within a year or so, but more on that later.)

A random coffee shop on a Tuesday morning

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