What it means: For me it means a couple different things, but I am just going to focus on the main one. The main reason I got this particular tattoo is to help remind me to be defiant of the world. As a Christian I am called to be different, I am called to be defiant to the things of the world. To thrown some "Christianese" in there, I am called to be "In the world, but not of it.". The main Bible verse that this theme is derived from is Romans 12:2a "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.". There are a few more personal reasons, maybe I will dive into those at some later time, but that was the main reason.
The reason I got it on my forearm is because I don't want to cover it up, I want to boldly show it. It is constantly in my line of sight so that I am constantly reminded that I am to stand up for what I believe and what God expects of me, and not cave in to what the world wants and expects from me.
So yeah, thats it. I have a tattoo that I absolutely love. Have I gotten some flack for it, yes. Do I care... I probably should care a little more than I do but oh well. Big shout out to my parents for the awesome experience. And yes, at some point I do plan on getting more (I am actually working on designing two right now, but who knows when I would be able to get the larger one, but the smaller one should be within a year or so, but more on that later.)