Thursday, April 4, 2024

Sorting Candy

I don’t know if I have ever met anyone more content with their circumstances than Talia. For those of you who don’t know my 4 year old daughter, she has severe egg and dairy allergies, and since we don’t like going to the ER we try our best to avoid them. This becomes a real struggle around “candy” holidays, like halloween and Easter, where so much of the candy is MILK chocolate. 

So we were sitting at the table the other day, opening the eggs she had gathered at our church easter egg hunt. Egg after egg contained candy with ingredients that would send her to the ER in anaphylactic shock. She would simply take it and set it over in the “I can’t have this” pile. Time and time again she would ask “Dad, can I have this candy?”, and I would have to respond “Nope, that one has dairy.”. 

When all was said and done, we had a mountain of candy that she could not eat, and three pieces she could. Let me tell you though, you have never seen a kid so excited about three pieces of candy. She didn’t care about all the things she couldn’t have. She never got discouraged after opening so many eggs and not being able to eat them, she simply celebrated when she got a piece she could have. 

I was thinking about this today as I am feeling really discouraged because of some of the circumstances I find myself in (not by my fault, it’s just how life is sometimes). It is so easy to look around at everything I don’t have, and just can’t achieve right now, all the things the world says I need to be happy. However, I need to refocus what I am looking at. I need to not focus on the pile of candy I can’t have, instead I need to celebrate the three pieces I can have! Let me tell you those pieces are truly exciting! 

Anyways that’s just my thoughts vomited out onto a computer keyboard for today.

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