Saturday, September 13, 2014

What are you selling?

What are you selling?
The other day I was driving through Gladwin, listening to some rock music rather loudly (not hardcore, just normal rock) when I came to a stop light. On the corners of this stop light there were people holding signs about how Jesus saves us from hell, how we need to repent, how the only way is to accept Jesus ect. All of the sudden one of the ladies turns to me and said I was going to hell unless I accepted Jesus. Now at that moment I was slightly stunned and honestly considered parking the car, and walking over to have a conversation with the lady about who I was, and how I am a full time missionary working at a camp just down the road. Instead I kept on driving.
This instance has been playing over and over again in my mind since it happened about two weeks ago, and the same thought keeps on popping into my mind: “What are you selling?” Are you just selling Jesus and His sacrifice as fire insurance that keeps you out of hell, or are you telling them about how awesome it is to have a relationship with the God of the whole freakin’ universe!
If you are just selling Jesus on the fact that He can save you from hell, then you are missing most of the gospel message! It is all about a personal relationship with the God of the universe! The fact that you get saved from hell is just added bonus points! 
I don’t really have to much to say on this subject, just a question… 

What are you selling?

A random coffee shop on a Tuesday morning

  So I found myself in need of going to a government office in Anchorage this morning. Because of potentially nasty road conditions I set of...