So I found myself in need of going to a government office in Anchorage this morning. Because of potentially nasty road conditions I set off on my journey well before I needed to be there, and low and behold, I found myself at this office 20 minutes before it opened. I stood there for a moment looking at the locked doors, contemplating the 5 minute walk back to my car to wait, but it was cold and windy and I really didn’t want to. Across the street was a local coffee shop called “Dark Horse Coffee”. Now I named this coffee shop so now you know one of two options is coming… this was either the worst experience or the best experience.
I walk in, it’s a random little building in downtown anchorage. It definitely used to be a very very tiny house, and could certainly use some renovations. When I got stepped in I was greeted warmly by the two ladies behind the counter, and there was one other employee that was in the dining area calmly talking to (we will call him Andrew in this story) Andrew, a homeless man that had set up in the corner to warm up and charge his phone. Andrew is very socially awkward and certainly seemed to be autistic as well, but the lady slowly walked him through where the best place would be to charge his phone so that he could still keep an eye on it and his stuff.
I ordered my coffee and went and sat down at a table, and watched. I’m a people watcher by nature, its fun to see how people interact with the world around them. I watched as all the baristas came and checked on Andrew and made sure he had everything he needed, but also lovingly gave him a time where he needed to be out by.
While sitting, drinking coffee, and beginning to type out this post another man came into Dark Horse Coffee who must be a regular. As soon as Andrew saw him he said “Hi (we are gonna call him Steve because I can’t remember his name) Steve! I need to talk to you!”
“Ok Andrew, I have a couple of minutes I can talk, but then I have some things I need to do.”. With that statement Steve went and sat down at a table and talked with Andrew for a good 5 minutes… by talk I mean Andrew talked to Steve, and Steve sat there nodding and asking a clarifying question or two. Most of the conversation was nonsense, about how one of Andrew’s friends has a car, and other things like that. At the end of the conversation Andrew thanked Steve for talking and gave him a fist bump.
As I was sitting there watching all of these interactions going on I got to thinking, as I do sometimes. This coffee shop was a beautiful picture of what the church could, and should be. In fact it was doing what the church is charged with doing! Caring for people, be they members or not!
Anyways, I just kind of wanted to share that story from this morning. It was an awesome, faith in humanity restoring moment. Thanks Dark Horse Coffee for the amazing Mocha and for just being good people, keep it up!